28 January 2019


By John Ollis

I came to see many years ago, the only life worth living is a life that is lived under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. That Jesus MUST be the Lord, the King, the Boss, the Ruler,the Master, the Owner of my life. I must do this continually, not just because the Greek text is in the present continuous in Romans 12:1 NKJV I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.  We also know that our sinful nature does not want to remain on the altar in surrender, so we must constantly make the decision to re-affirm Christ’s Lordship over our lives.

I saw in Psalm 118:27 NKJV God is the Lord, and He has given us light; Bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar.  That the Old Testament animals were tied down, So I pray daily J”esus tie me down, bind me to the altar with the cords of Calvary love”,

I am still crying out to the Lord and telling Him I want to know what it means to “Present my body in constant surrender”. I know for example that our body is THE HOUSE WE LIVE IN, so literally everything to do with my daily living must come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ

I wish I could get into the Apostle Paul’s mind and find out exactly what he meant in Romans 12:1.

I had another thought recently I asked myself “What else is in my body? immediately I thought of my senses, seeing, hearing, touching tasting, & smelling. I remembered a chorus I used to sing in Sunday School “Watch your eyes, what they see, there’s a Father up above looking down in tender love, watch your eyes what they see. ALL MY 5 SENSES MUST COME UNDER THE LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST IF I AM TO LIVE THE SURRENDERED LIFE. Help me Lord to only look upon, those things that are lovely just and pure.

Then I thought of the 3 drives in my body Hunger, Sex & Survival, unless these 3 drives come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, I CANNOT LIVE THE SURRENDERED LIFE. Jesus take the DRIVING SEAT OF MY 3 DRIVES AMEN.

In my body (somewhere) is my SOUL & my SPIRIT, What is my soul? My MIND, My EMOTIONS and My WILL. Interestingly These were the 3 areas Eve was tempted in by the Serpent in the garden of Eden, and Jesus in the Wilderness.

So, I have started specifically surrendering these 3 areas to the Lord daily, I want Jesus 24/7 to be the Lord of my MIND, my EMOTIONS and my WILL, this surely must be an integral part of the surrendered life?

TheN in my Spirit is my CONSCIENCE, I am praying daily that my conscience will be so sensitive, that if I come anywhere near sin I will run a mile.

So my constant prayer is that the Holy Spirit who lives in my spirit, will so completely invade and conquer my soul and body, so that for me,