Psalm 119 is such a glorious Psalm, especially because it highlights the POWER OF THE WORD OF GOD IN THE LIFE OF THE BELIEVER, the Psalmist refers to the Word of God over 30 times, there is one specific verse that has had an ever increasing impact on my life that is verse 11.
NKJV Your word I have HIDDEN in my heart, that I might not sin against You.
AMP.O.T. Your word have I LAID UP IN MY HEART, that I might not sin against You.
PASSION I CONSIDER your prophecies to be my greatest treasure, and I MEMORISE them and WRITE them on my heart.
MESSAGE I’ve BANKED your promises in the vault of my heart, so I won’t sin myself bankrupt.
As is often my practice I have listed a number of translations and highlighted key words, can I encourage you to look at each of these translations and ponder the words of the Psalmist and particularly look at the emphasis made by the translator.
There is nothing new in my blog again today, other than emphasising it is not just reading once the verse, but meditating (even writing it down), and letting the information become REVELATION, dropping from the head to the heart, the Logos becoming a quickened Rhema Word, that has such a profound impact upon one’s life, so that when our sinful nature, or the evil one would come and tempt us, the Rhema Word has become a Sword in our hand (Rom. 6:17) and we can immediately go on the defensive and conquer the temptation.
The Psalmist asked a question in verse 9 NKJV How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed to Your Word.
Our teenage and young adult years are such formative years, and we can so easily develop so many “bad” habits, but if a young man (and every believer) is encouraged to spend quality time in the Word of God every day, not only learning to meditate and confess what the Word says about us, but also let the Word have a cleansing sanctifying ministry in our lives, Paul expresses it this way in Eph. 5:26 NKJV that He might sanctify and cleanse her (the Church (you and I) with the washing of water by the word.
PASSION to make us holy and pure, cleansing us through the showering of the pure water of the Word of God.
N.L.T. to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word.
So, I simply conclude this blog by saying.