I am sure there will be MUCH repetition in this bog, but as the hymn writer said TELL ME THE STORY OFTEN FOR I FORGET SO SOON.
I am overwhelmed that even though I have been born again for 72+ years, and am a graduate of a Bible College and 50+ years of ministry, I am being blown away more and more at the depth and breadth of GOD’S SO GREAT SALVATION.
I sure understand that when the Holy Spirit convicts and convinces us of our need of a Saviour we are overwhelmed by the fact we are a “sinful wretch” and unless we respond to the Holy Spirit’s invitation we are headed for a Christless eternity.
I will never forget the day I responded to the wooing and drawing of the Holy Spirit and the burden of sin rolled off my life, and I was “translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God”
It has been an exciting blessed journey over these 72+years, of growing in grace and in the Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have sadly failed the Lord so many times, because I either didn’t realise what my INHERITANCE was as a Believer, or I had “head knowledge” but not “heart knowledge” or deliberately chose to yield to my carnal desires.
Let me spell out again today, some of the glorious aspects of my (our) inheritance as a Believer NOW which is all part of GOD’S SO GREAT SALVATION
The blood of Jesus to cleanse us from all sin 1 John 1:(
Jesus ever living to make intercession for us Heb. 7:25 He is our ADVOCATE
We were crucified, buried and resurrected with Christ Rom.6
Angels have been appointed to be “ministering spirits” to us Hebrews
We have the Word of God, that the Holy Spirit wants to “quicken” to our hearts so we can use it against all the tricks of the evil one, as the Sword of the Spirit (rhema). This is all part of the WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD Eph. 6″10-18.
The Helmet of Salvation to protect our mind (the battle field of the soul)
The Breasplate of Righteousness, not only have we been “declared righteous” but we can experience God’s “imputed righteousness”.”
The Shield of Faith
The Sword of the Spirit
The Peace of God as we walk in His will.
The Belt and Skirt of Truth.
I want to just highlight ONE SCRIPTURE today in this blog, relative to one piece of the set of armour God has made available to us.
Remember, as we read, study, meditate on the Word of God the Holy Spirit, wants to make the Word PERSONAL AND REAL TO US, and the written Word (Logos) becomes that personal Word (Rhema) we can use against the enemy. The verse is Phil.4:1
NKJV I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.
AMP.N.T. I have strength for ALL things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].
N.I.V. 1984 For I can do EVERYTHING through Christ, who gives me strength
PASSION I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to CONQUER every difficulty.
Naturally speaking, there are many things we can never do, but when it comes to the spiritual realm, when this WORD becomes a Rhema (sword) in our hand as we confess it and claim it, just as James directs us in James 4:7 KJV Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you
We can walk in victory, and purity and in power, as we take the quickened Word and use it against the enemy, THIS IS ALL PART OF OUR INHERITANCE NOW, AND IT IS ALL INCLUDED IN GOD’S SO GREAT SALVATION. hallelujah.
Are you going through a testing, tempting time right now, here is your answer. and my prayer for you today is the prayer of the Apostle Paul
NKJV that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, Ephesians 3:16.
Enjoy the victory continually, and give ALL THE GLORY TO GOD.
May this awesome truth grip your heart and that you move to a higher level of victory.